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Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde (The MIT Press) de Douglas Kahn
Descripción - Críticas 'Think of this book as a radio station with some really good shows. Think of yourself as a radio.' Joshua Clover, San Francisco Review of Books 'Wireless Imagination is a beautifully produced collection of essays on the interplay between art, noise, experimental music, and technology... An enlightening exploration of a little-known area of art history.' Gareth Branwyn, Wired Reseña del editor Wireless Imagination addresses perhaps the most conspicuous silence in contemporary theory and art criticism, the silence that surrounds the polyphonous histories of audio art. Composed of both original essays and several newly translated documents, this book provides a close audition to some of the most telling and soundful moments in the 'deaf century,' conceived and performed by such artists as Raymond Roussel, Antonin Artaud, Marcel Duchamp, Andre Breton, John Cage, Hugo Ball, Kurt Weill, and William Burroughs. From the late nineteenth century to the 1960s, the essays uncover the fantastic acoustic scenarios projected through the writings of Raymond Roussel; the aural objects of Marcel Duchamp; Dziga Vertov's proposal for a phonographic 'laboratory of hearing'; the ZAUM language and Radio Sorcery conjured by Velimir Khlebnikov; the iconoclastic castaways of F. T. Marinetti's La Radia; the destroyed musics of the Surrealists; the noise bands of Russolo, Foregger, Varese, and Cage; the contorted radio talk show delivered by Antonin Artaud; the labyrinthine inner journeys invoked by German Hoerspiel; and the razor contamination and cut-up ventriloquism of William S. Burroughs. Contraportada Wireless Imagination directly addresses what is perhaps the most conspicuous silence in contemporary theory and art criticism, the silence that surrounds the polyphonous histories of audio and radio art. By gathering both original essays and several newly translated documents into a single volume, editors Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead provide a close audition to some of the most telling and soundful moments in the 'deaf century', including the fantastic acoustic scenarios projected through the writings of Raymond Roussel, the 'gap music' of Marcel Duchamp, the varied sonic activities of the early Russian avant-garde and of French Surrealism, the language labyrinths constructed by the producers of New German Horspiel, and the cut-up ventriloquism of William S. Burroughs. Approaches in the essays vary from detailed historical reconstructions to more speculative theory, providing a rich chorus of challenges to the culturally entrenched 'regime of the visual'. Supporting documents include F. T. Marinetti's explosive manifesto on the aesthetics of Futurist radio and the full text of Antonin Artaud's blistering radio performance, To Have Done with the Judgment of God. Although the editors stress in their preface that this book should not be read as a comprehensive Last Word but rather as an opening to future discourse, Wireless Imagination certainly offers compelling evidence that the numbing silence surrounding sound was made to be broken. Biografía del autor Douglas Kahn is Professor at the National Institute for Experimental Arts at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of Noise Water Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts (MIT Press) and Earth Sound Earth Signal: Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts and coeditor of Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde (MIT Press). Gregory Whitehead is an audio artist who produces radio transmissions and events.
Transmutaciones del cuerpo como sonido proyectado resumen la investigación que aquí se presenta reflexiona sobre el carácter del cuerpo y su identidad a partir de los contextos tecnológicos iniciales que permitieron interpretarlo como una naturaleza incorpórea y principalmente sonora el objetivo pretende destacar el impacto social que supuso desde una perspectiva creativa la transmutación del cuerpo como sonido proyectado Artelab hacia la integraci on arte, ciencia y tecnolog artelab hacia la integración arte, ciencia y tecnologı́a juan reyes artelab, fundación maginvent juanigmaginventorg 28 de septiembre del 2005 introducción las artes electrónicas son la expresión de estos dı́as resultado del desarrollo de una sociedad y una cultura muy inmersas en objetos tecnológicos, comunicaciones, telepresencia y globalización de costumbres y formas 1 Descargar doczz comentarios transcripción descargar
Transparencia del subconsciente escritura para arnheim, la radio era capaz de crear una nueva comunidad entre los oyentes mediante una realidad evocada de forma poampeacutetica, y con mampaacutes poder que nunca in wireless the sounds and voices of reality claimed relationship with the poetic word and the musical note reality, newly created by thought in all its intensity, presented itself much more directly, objectively and Bibliografia sonido artes general tecnología general sound sculpture intersections in sound and sculpture in australian artworks fine art publishing pty ltd sidney, 2001 Metjou kosten en ervaringen datingsite metjou online 160 nieuwe vlaamse singles per dag metjou is een eigentijdse relatiesite die de laatste jaren fors is gegroeid hiermee is metjou één van de grotere datingsites van vlaanderen geworden en verwelkomt metjou dagelijks gemiddeld 160 nieuwe leden
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde (The MIT Press)
- Autor: Douglas Kahn
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Humanidades
- Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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